To consider the report of the Executive Director Environment.
The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director Environment.
On section 4.3, a Member sought clarification on the use of terracotta and its suitability. The meeting heard that a robust version of the material had been used elsewhere, and that it had been chosen for its sustainable characteristics. There was no risk of vehicle impact at the selected locations, and a prototype would be in place in September 2022.
RESOLVED, That the Sub-Committee
1. Approve the change in scope and funding strategy as set out in the report;
2. Note the total estimated cost of the project at £350,000-£400,000 as a result of the additional external funding, and the resulting increased programme budget, details of which will be set out in a forthcoming programme update report in September 2022;
3. Agree the installation of a prototype in September 2022 at a total estimated cost of £20,000 to be funded by the EC BID with soft landscaping costs of £7,000 covered by the City’s Cool Streets and Greening programme (Climate Action Strategy); and
4. Note that, following the review of the prototype, a Gateway 5 report is to be prepared under Delegated Approval to Chief Officer for delivery of the installations proposed within Green Streets project.
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