Report of the Executive Director of Innovation and Growth
The Board considered a report of the Executive Director of Innovation and Growth reporting the progress of Climate Action Strategy (CAS) actions at Quarter 4 of Year 1 in relation to BHE activities, summarising the plans for the upcoming year and requesting confirmation of funding needed for implementation. The Executive Director of Innovation and Growth introduced the report, presenting the CAS update and drawing Members’ attention to the key points. The very ambitious approach of BHE was highlighted.
RESOLVED – That the BHE Board, in discharge of functions for the City Corporation as Trustee of Bridge House Estates (Charity no. 10345628) and solely in the charity’s best interests:
i) Note the progress made in year 1 of the CAS programme as of Q4 results;
ii) Note the overall achievement of the targets remains on track;
iii) Note a total budget of £442,000 is required for the year 2 revenue expenditure requirements in the 22/23 financial year. £319,000 has been included in the 22/23 BHE budget, including £153,000 carried forward from 2021/22; and,
iv) Approve the additional £123,000 of revenue funding for 22/23 from CAS contingency funds (funded by the CAS designated fund) to ensure adequate resources for planned work for BHE.
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