Open Spaces Awayday – The Chairman referred to the awayday that had provided an opportunity to look at the strategy of Open Spaces, allowing for a constructive conversation with officers and consider any gaps, structure, key themes and what it was the City Corporation wanted to achieve from investing in the Open Spaces going forward.
Wanstead Park Ponds – The Committee noted there were very complicated issues that needed working through in detail at the next meeting, with the item a red risk and the ponds likely to start drying up in the coming months.
Risk Management Report – Members noted that a risk management update had been omitted from the pack providing a year end update and management update report. Members were given an assurance that all Committee business was being risk managed in line with the City Corporation’s approach to risk management, with a full risk review due to take place shortly looking at the protocol for the whole department to ensure appropriate processes we in place and a report to follow in the autumn.