Agenda item

* Epping Forest - Assistant Director's Update for April - May 2022 (SEF 20/22)

Report of Executive Director Environment Department.


The Committee received a report of the Executive Director of Environment summarising the Epping Forest Division’s activities across April and May 2022.


Members noted that total visitor numbers to the High Beach Visitor Centre for April had not been included within the update and these were confirmed as 1052 for April, 798 for May and 767 for June.


The Committee were reminded of an approval in principle that had been granted some time ago for a concert on Chingford Plain on 10th and 1tth September.  A proposal had now been to London Borough of Waltham Forest for a premises licence, which had been agreed in principle subject to the general conditions of that licence with detail on health and safety, transport planning etc.  There was an outline programme for the event, with a link also being included on the City Corporation’s website. 


The Chairman remarked on a risk of wildfires at this time, acknowledging the significant work taking place around this, whilst also stressing the importance of Members of the public reporting any incidents they may be witness to, with no fires being allowed across any of the Open Spaces, Epping Forest or Commons land during this period.





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