Agenda item

Continued Support of the City Hospitality Sector: Al Fresco Eating and Drinking - Business and Planning Act Extension 2022

Report of the Director of Markets and Consumer Protection


The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Environment providing a summary of pavement licences currently granted and outlines proposals for the continuation of the pavement licence application process until 30 September 2023. The Executive Director of Environment introduced the report and drew Members’ attention to the key points, also advising that there would be full consultation regarding a permanent regime.


RESOLVED – That the Planning & Transportation Committee:


1.    Agree the continuation of the streamlined reapplication process as outlined in paragraph 11 of this report;


2.    Agree the pavement licence duration period as outlined in paragraph 13 (a) of this report; and


3.    Agree the continued zero fee for all pavement licence applications as outlined in paragraph 13 (b) of this report.

Supporting documents: