Agenda item

Transport for London consultations: Bus Route Changes Central London and ULEZ expansion and road user charging

Report of the Executive Director of Environment


The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director of Environment setting out the changes to bus routes in the City arising from two Transport for London (TfL) consultation exercises, and potential issues. The Executive Director of Environment introduced the report and advised that the report had been approved by the Streets & Walkways Sub Committee.


A Member commented that buses were the only form of accessible transport for the elderly and disabled, and the loss of any bus routes would be seriously detrimental. Another Member stated that accessible, affordable infrastructure was important for the City of London, and that the City of London Corporation should be pushing the government to provide more support for TfL. Buses should be properly funded and not cut, and the proposed changes would cause further problems later.


The Deputy Chair commented that the equality of opportunity should be provided as part of the Local Plan, and that a message should be sent to TfL that any reduction to the bus network was an issue, and that buses needed to run continuously throughout the day. The Deputy Chair added that in his view the proposals should not be progressed. A Member commented that the representations agreed by Streets & Walkways Sub Committee included objections to the removal of the 502 route, as a route between Waterloo and the City of London was key, and asked that this be added to the objections.


The Chairman advised that Members’ sentiments were being by numerous other London boroughs, and that he was clear, as the organisation’s representative on the London Councils Transport and Environment Committee, that the message in respect of TfL needed to be retained and persisted with. The Executive Director of Environment added that affordability and accessibility were referenced in the proposed response, but that this could be strengthened, with a response to TfL to be provided as part of the formal consultations. The Chairman then drew the Committee’s attention to the recommendations, which were agreed.


RESOLVED – That the Planning & Transportation Committee:


i)     Approve the proposed response to the consultation on proposed changes to bus routes, set out in paragraph 17;


ii)    Delegate the final wording of the response to the Director of City Operations in consultation with the Chairmen and Deputy Chairmen of the Streets & Walkways Sub Committee and the Planning & Transportation Committee;


iii)   Approve the proposed response to the consultation on proposed expansion of the ULEZ and future road user charging, set out in paragraphs 25 and 26; and


iv)  Delegate the final wording of the response to the Director of City Operations in consultation with the Chairmen and Deputy Chairmen of the Streets & Walkways Sub Committee and the Planning & Transportation Committee and the Port Health and Environmental Services Committee.

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