Agenda item

Gateway 6 - Bernard Morgan House Public Realm

Report of the Executive Director of Environment


The Sub Committee considered a Gateway 6 report of the Executive Director of Environment regarding the project to deliver public realm enhancements in the area surrounding the new development at Bernard Morgan House. The Chief Operating Officer confirmed that no additional funding would be required to close the project. The Sub Committee noted that Members had received representations from a member of the public regarding the project. The Executive Director of Environment confirmed that a direct response to the correspondent had been provided regarding their concerns.


A Member advised that they had recently visited the site, and that the work deserved commendation. However, there were issues with the surrounding area such as paving requiring improvement, and the Member asked that this be looked at. Another Member commented that a complaint had been received in respect of a related matter and that any response should be co-ordinated between the Sub Committee and the Planning & Transportation Committee.


RESOLVED – That the Operational Property and Projects Sub Committee:


i)              Approve the content of this report and agree to close this project;


ii)             Approve the budget adjustment related to staff costs to be actioned as outlined in Appendix 4;


iii)           Authorise to use a portion of unspent funds (£15,000) for improvements to the north footway in Fann Street between Viscount Street and Golden Lane; and


iv)           Authorise the return of any underspend to the owner or their successor in title following finalisation of the account.

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