To consider the following appointments:
Where appropriate:-
* denotes a Member seeking re-appointment
(A) Three Members on the Board of Governors of the City of London School, for two terms expiring in July 2026 and one term expiring July 2024.
Nominations received:-
Florence Keelson-Anfu
*Ian Seaton
Luis Tilleria
*Deputy James Thomson
(B) One Member on the Board of Governors of the City of London School for Girls, for a term expiring in July 2026.
(No contest)
Nominations received:-
Anett Rideg
(C) Three Member on the Board of Governors of the City of London Freemen’s School, for a term expiring in July 2024.
(No contest)
Nominations received:-
Alderman Christopher Makin
(D) One Member on the Education Board, for a term expiring in April 2023.
Nominations received:-
John Griffiths
Naresh Sonpar
Luis Tilleria
(E) One Member on the Licensing Committee, for a term expiring in April 2026.
(No Contest)
Nominations received:-
James Bromiley-Davis
(F) One Member on the Freedom Applications-Committee, for a term expiring in April 2023.
(No contest)
Nominations received:-
Alderman Emma Edhem
(G) Two Members on the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Sub- Committee, for terms expiring in April 2023.
Nominations received:-
Dr Joanna Abeyie
Jason Groves
Alpa Raja
Paul Singh
(H) One Member on the Barbican Residential Committee, for a term expiring in April 2023.
(No contest)
Timothy McNally