Agenda item

Automated Payment System for Temporary Car Parking

Report of the Acting Director of Community and Children’s Services


Members noted that the Barbican Estate Office had been looking at efficiencies in delivering the temporary car parking service.  This report, which was for decision by the Barbican Residential Committee of 11 February 2013, proposed that an Automated Payment System (credit and debit card payment using text, touch tone, internal and mobile web technology) be introduced in the car parks.  The system was intended to provide additional customer benefits and was not intended to replace the current ticketing/invoicing system. 


In response to questions, residents were assured that new system had been fully endorsed by the City of London’s Audit Department. The service would be accessible from basic mobile phones (not just smartphones) and a number of vehicles could be registered with each application. The system would be reviewed after a year, along with the parking charges policy. 


Members generally welcomed this new initiative, which offered simplicity and achieved savings. However, one member raised concerns that the new method appeared to discriminate against residents who did not or could not use mobile telephony (e.g. older residents or those with disabilities).




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