Agenda item

Aldermanic Appointments

The Chairman to be heard.


The Chairman took the opportunity to update the Committee on various changes to Aldermanic Appointments since their last meeting.


It was reported that Alderwoman Newman would be appointed to the Culture, Heritage and Libraries Committee in the room of Alderman David Graves. Alderman Christopher Makin was to be appointed to the Committee of Aldermen to administer the Sir William Coxen Trust Fund in the room of Alderman John Garbutt and Alderman Vincent Keaveny was to be appointed to Gresham (City Side) Committee in the room of Alderman John Garbutt.


It was reported that there was still an Aldermanic vacancy to be appointed to in the room of Alderwoman Susan Langley on the Port Health and Environmental Services Committee and also a vacancy for Emanuel School in the room of Alderman David Graves. These would be reconsidered following the results of the two forthcoming September Aldermanic elections.