Agenda item


Report of the Town Clerk.


The Committee received a report of the Town Clerk setting out its list of Outstanding Actions.


A Member requested an update as to progress on the Sustainability SPD that she had requested. She also questioned whether this item, although for information only, could continue to feature within the main agenda pack given its importance.


The Chief Planning Officer and Development Director stated that Officers were conscious that the list required an update and undertook to action this ahead of the next meeting of this Committee. In terms of the Sustainability SPD it was reported that consultants had now been appointed to assist with the compilation of this document and that initial meetings had now been held with them on this. A comprehensive programme for developing this had now been drawn up. This piece of work would feed into both the City Plan and the work undertaken on the Whole-Life Carbon Planning Advice Note. It was expected that a final version of the document would be available for presentation to Committee in early 2023.  



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