Report of the Managing Director of BHE
The Committee considered a report of the Managing Director of BHE requesting funding of £642,500 over four years for Greater London Volunteering (charity no: 1115303), a registered charity which is the legal entity for London Plus. The Managing Director of BHE introduced the report and presented the proposals to the Committee, which would be submitted to the BHE Board under delegated authority if endorsed.
A Member commented that it was positive that officers had discussed the implications relevant to statutory funding. The Managing Director of BHE responded that the proposals had the backing of statutory partners including London Councils and the Greater London Assembly.
In response to a suggestion from a Member that a review be undertaken of CBT’s position on contributing over 50% of an organisation’s turnover, as there could be further exceptions that could be recommended, the Managing Director of BHE advised that application of this policy had previously been considered on a case-by-case basis, but could be taken away for consideration by officers.
RESOLVED – That the Grants Committee of the Bridge House Estates Board, in the discharge of functions for the City Corporation as Trustee of Bridge House Estates (charity no. 1035628) and solely in the charity’s best interests:
i) Endorse to the BHE Board a grant of £642,500 over four years to Greater London Volunteering [charity no: 1115303], the legal entity for London Plus, to support the work of the London Community Emergencies Partnership.
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