Report of the Chief Operating Officer.
Members considered a report of the Chief Operating Officer regarding the Project Governance Review.
Members were keen that all stakeholders were engaged in the consultation. How residents were consulted in project work that impacted them, was an area of particular interest that the Sub-Committee wished to draw to the attention of Policy & Resources Committee.
A query was raised on the size of the budget and the calibre of supplier that might be identified given the breadth of the work demanded. Assurances were provided as a proportion of the work would be dealt with in-house. The Chief Operating Officer agreed to share with a Member the request for quote information.
It was noted that Policy & Resources Committee needed to consider the recommended extension of the £1m officer delegation for project approval.
RESOLVED, that Members:-
· Approve the proposed scope and plan for the project governance review;
· Recommend to the Policy & Resources Committee the extension of the temporary delegation of £1m to (approved and trained) Officers for corporate projects;
· Approve the clarification to be made to the definition of a corporate project to descope routine procurements (NB – these will remain subject to the Procurement Code and appropriate corporate governance); and
· Note the intention to extend the interim resourcing arrangement for the Project Governance Director role for the duration of the review (to end of the 22/23 Financial Year) to enable review of the role and person specification required going forward
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