Report of the Executive Director Environment.
Members considered a report of the Executive Director Environment regarding City Cluster – Wellbeing and Climate Resilience Programme: Green Streets Project.
RESOLVED, that Members:-
1. Approve the change in scope and funding strategy as set out in this report.
2. Note the total estimated cost of the project at £350,000-400,000 as a result of the additional external funding, and the resulting increased programme budget, details of which will be set out in a forthcoming programme update report in September 2022.
3. Agree the installation of a prototype in September 2022 at a total estimated cost of £20,000 to be funded by the EC BID with soft landscaping costs of £7,000 covered by the City’s Cool Streets and Greening programme (Climate Action Strategy).
4. Note that, following the review of the prototype, a Gateway 5 report is to be prepared under Delegated Approval to Chief Officer for delivery of the installations proposed within Green Streets project.
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