Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.
The Sub Committee received a report of the Executive Director, Community and Children’s Services which outlined Summer activities, provided by the Participation Service over the summer holidays, for looked-after children and care leavers.
Members noted that young people form the CiCC would be invited to attend the Safeguarding Sub Committee, when the Pledge is reviewed. This will also provide an opportunity for them to provide feedback on the activities they enjoy. Members asked if the City could resume hosting CICC meetings at Guildhall, with lunch provided, as this had ceased during the pandemic.
Members noted that, as of August 2022, there are currently 13 children in care and 52 care leavers. Some prefer not to engage, and some attend all events and activities. The CiCC meetings average attendance of between 10 and 15. Although the number of boys is greater, there is no gender bias in terms of the choice of activities. Some of the older female care leavers choose to go on trips and activities with their Social Worker. Members noted that a recent paintballing event in Croydon was in a fairly remote location, so transport provision would be reviewed in the future.
RESOLVED, that – the report be noted.
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