Report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services.
The Sub Committee received a report of the Executive Director, Community and Children’s Services, which outlined the legislative context for adult safeguarding.
Members were asked to note the distinction between areas which fall under Section 42 of the Care Act, which is aimed at those at immediate risk, and others which have less defined responsibilities around prevention. The officer explained that Adult Safeguarding focusses on the outcomes that the adult might be seeking, but they don’t always align with the preferences of the family or the advice of the Social Worker.
In terms of the ageing population, officers had been analysing census data in order to model liberty protection, which appears later on this agenda, and the anticipated increasing demands on adult social care. Similar modelling was also underway in terms of the energy crisis, using the City’s demography. Whilst there is a 10-year plan for Health Integration, there is still uncertainty about government funding, and the Health and Care Levy has changed. However, the modelling and transformation will help the service to prepare within available resources.
The City Corporation is fortunate in that its numbers are low but it has less resources than other local authorities. However, the City also knows its clients very well, and the home care provision was recently re-tendered to provide intensive support on discharge and/or preventing hospital admissions. Members noted that the risk is active but being mitigated as far as possible.
All urgent concerns about safeguarding should be acted on without consent. However, if assistance is refused, then it becomes a matter of mental capacity and consent. Staff in public facing services receive safeguarding training; a recent rise in reporting suggests a higher level of awareness.
The Safeguarding Adults Board commissions training for multi-agency professionals in terms of identification and awareness of Safeguarding and the Department monitors take up.
RESOLVED, that – the report be noted.
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