Agenda item

10 Keats Grove

Report of the Director of Culture, Heritage and Libraries.


The Committee received a report of the Director of the Culture, Heritage and Libraries updating Members on progress made on delivering Objective 2 of the Keats House Business Plan 2012-13.


The Director informed the Committee that managing 10 Keats Grove directly had meant the City Corporation had needed to address inherited problems with the on-site heating provision. He noted the particular problems experienced by the Keats Community Library. The Director also added that the City Corporation would continue to work with partners in developing ways to promote 10 Keats Grove for external use and Keats House events.


The Chief Executive of Keats Community Library added that the new venture was a learning experience for all and reported that the library was growing all the time with 40 new members having signed up within the previous month.


In response to a Member’s question, the Director of Culture, Heritage and Libraries responded that when the City Corporation took over running the property directly, one of the key aims was to ensure that it would cover its running costs. He assured Members that whilst the licence for the library was initially issued for 2 years, the City Corporation would look positively at a request for a renewal.








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