Agenda item

Keats Foundation

Report of the Director of Culture, Heritage and Libraries.


The Committee received a report of the Director of Culture, Heritage and Libraries summarising progress made on delivery of Objective 3 of the Keats House Business Plan 2012-13.


The Director formally thanked the Friends of Keats House for their donation of £1000 for a commemorative bench for Jean Haynes, a former Member of the Committee and Chairman of the Friends of Keats House.


The Director advised that there has been a new sense of impetus to events for the New Year and stressed the aim was to increase the number of supporters and He reported that the annual Garden Party would return, with future plans including a Keats Conference. He added that the Keats Conference would the first of its kind in the world and that it was hoped the event would generate some income for the House.


The Chairman informed Members that the Lord Mayor had expressed an interest in visiting the House and it was suggested that he could be invited to the annual garden party.


In response to a Member’s question, the Director advised that the commemorative bench would be in place by the summer and whilst plaques were not permitted, a proper record of who donated the bench and its purpose would be kept.







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