Agenda item

Keats House Business Plan 2013-14

Report of the Director of Culture, Heritage and Libraries.


The Committee received a report of the Director of Culture, Heritage and Libraries summarising the Keats House Business Plan for 2013-14.


The Director reported that Dr Vicky Caroll who had previously worked at the William Morris Gallery, the Science Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum had been appointed as the new curator of Keats House and 10 Keats Grove.


The Director advised that the Culture, Heritage and Libraries departmental business plan included one objective  for Keats House which involved developing the educational offering and working in partnership with others to enhance the appeal of the House to the community.


He added that the target of 320,000 aggregate uses for the website gave  the Keats House team a clear idea of what could be achieved and he expected that the Visitor Development and Services Director would bring good experience in adding value to the House.





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