Agenda item

Any Other Business that the Chairman considers Urgent


Quorum for Court of Aldermen

The Chairman reported that, at present, the quorum for meetings of the Court of Aldermen was ‘the Lord Mayor or their locum tenens, together with ten Aldermen’ – a high percentage. It was therefore proposed that this be reduced to ‘the Lord Mayor or their locum tenens together with seven Aldermen’.


The Town Clerk reported that, in the case of the Nominations Committee of the Court of Aldermen, the quorum was thirteen with a quorum of three for the General Purposes Committee. The Aldermen were of the view that the quorum of this Committee ought to also be increased to seven.


RESOLVED – That the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen recommend to the Court of Aldermen that the quorum for future meetings of the Court be amended to read ‘the Lord Mayor or their locum tenens together with seven Aldermen’ and that the quorum for the General Purposes Committee be amended to ‘seven Aldermen’ with the Court’s Standing Orders to amended accordingly to reflect this.


Livery Committee

The Deputy Chairman reported that the Livery Committee had been very focused in recent years on Livery Liaison and that that latest iteration of this Scheme included using the Court of Aldermen for this purpose. It was therefore suggested that the Chair of the Livery Committee be invited to the next meeting of this Committee in December to set out what this might look like.


Pan Livery Movement

The Deputy Chairman reported that the Panel Livery Impact Report also set out proposals for the future in that it was set to continue, working closely with the Livery Committee and drawing together all stakeholders in a more advisory as opposed to executive fashion. He added that he had stepped down from his Chairing role of this in September and that Alderman Michael Mainelli would now take up the role with the idea being that the Lord Mayor designate would do so each year going forward as they prepared for their Mayoral year.