Agenda item

Shrieval Plan 2022/23

Report of the Executive Director & Private Secretary to the Lord Mayor.


The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director and Private Secretary to the Lord Mayor outlining the proposed 2022 – 2023 Shrieval Plan to be championed by the Sheriffs, Alderman Alastair King & Andrew Marsden Esq.


Sheriff King spoke to underline that, ultimately, the Sheriffs’ role was to support both the current Lord Mayor and the Lord Mayor Elect and that this Plan which was already familiar to most sought to divided up the various duties between the two Sheriffs. Appended to the Plan were the potential topics to be covered this Shrieval year as part of the themed lunches. The intention was to report back on these in due course. It was highlighted that there was much focus here on women’s issues such as domestic violence, FGM and gender and the law. It was envisaged that the Aldermanic Sheriff would focus more on the business elements of the Plan with the Non-Aldermanic Sheriff tending to focus more on the Livery and Ward Club side.


The Lord Mayor highlighted that next year would see the 600th anniversary of the death of Richard Whittington and that one of his philanthropic ventures had involved the prisoners of Newgate Prison which was something that could be picked up within the Shrieval Plan and play in nicely to the ‘No Going Back’ body of work that the pan-Livery Steering Group had been spearheading in recent years. Others highlighted that the Mercers had already begun work on developing a programme around the anniversary. An Alderman highlighted that Richard Whittington had also awarded funds to ’64 Longdrops’ and that, given that sewage in the Thames was still an issue, this might also be worth the Sheriffs exploring further.


An Alderman highlighted that there was a budget set aside for Shrieval events. Sheriff King highlighted that he had meetings scheduled next week to help better understand this and what funds might be called upon for strategic matters.


Speaking further on the proposals for themed lunches, and Alderman questioned whether any thought had been given to education and inviting pupils from various City academies or those from Goodenough College into the Old Bailey/the City.


The Lord Mayor added that Sir Ken Olisa’s office had always previously been a good source of potential guests in past years and commended this to the Sheriffs.  


RESOLVED – That the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen note and endorse the Shrieval Plan for 2022/23.


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