Agenda item

Strategy Morning - Next Steps

The Chairman to be heard.


The Committee took the opportunity to discuss the next steps coming out of the recent Aldermanic Strategy Morning session held in September 2022.


The Town Clerk distributed the final membership of the three Strategy Groups (Internal Priorities, External Priorities, Communications and Stakeholder Engagement) established as a result of the Strategy Morning.


The Chairman suggested that he was of the view that there ought to be a Junior lead and Senior Chair of each Group. He went on to report that the expectation was that each Group would convene ahead of future meetings of this Committee with a view to each reporting back into future meetings.


The Deputy Chairman remarked that one of the outcomes which had attracted universal support at the Strategy Morning was the production of an Aldermanic Impact Report. He was of the view that it would be ideal to see this launched early in the New Year. Sheriff King reported that he had already given some thought as to the content of the Impact Report and undertook to share this with all in due course. He added that he would also like to introduce a video element to the report which it might be helpful for the Lord Mayor to introduce for maximum impact.


The Chairman referred to the Pan Livery Impact Report which had recently been launched and suggested that this was a good example of a successful report. He asked that the Town Clerk seek to obtain hard copies of this and distribute to all Aldermen and key Officers as well as emailing PDF versions to all.