Agenda item

Report: General Purposes Committee of Aldermen


Aldermanic Qualifications - Foreign Convictions

The Court of Aldermen considered a recommendation of the General Purposes Committee concerning options and issues in relation to the risk of an Alderman with a relevant foreign conviction being elected.


Resolved Unanimously: - That the second qualification for the office of Aldermen be amended to add not having been convicted of an imprisonable offence in the Republic of Ireland as well as in the UK, Channel Islands and the Isle of Man and that the Comptroller and City Solicitor be instructed to now undertake such further work as appropriate to action this. 



The Court of Aldermen considered a recommendation of the General Purposes Committee of Aldermen relative to the quorum for meetings of this Court.


It was reported that the present quorum is the Lord Mayor or their locum tenens, together with 10 Aldermen. On reflection, the General Purposes Committee were of the view that this seemed like a large percentage of the Court and was not always conducive to the need to call special meetings at relatively short notice.


Resolved Unanimously: - That the quorum for future Court of Aldermen meetings be amended to the Lord Mayor or their locum tenens, together with 7 Aldermen with immediate effect and that the Town Clerk be instructed to amend and republish the Court of Aldermen’s Standing Orders accordingly. The quorum for the General Purposes Committee to also be revised with immediate effect to mirror that of the Court of Aldermen.