Agenda item

CAI Recommendations to the Committee

Report of the Director of Innovation and Growth.


Members received a report of the Director of Innovation & Growth in respect of the City Arts Initiative recommendations to the Culture, Heritage and Libraries Committee.


The Chair informed Members that Will Gompertz, the co-chair of the City Arts Initiative, had raised concerns regarding the William Jaggard House Memorial. The Chair suggested that the proposal be referred back to CAI for further review.


A Member raised their concerns that the proposed location of item 3 in Greyfriars Churchyard may be considered offensive.


A Member suggested that officers should consider introducing georeferencing or coding systems to indicate the locations of art.


RESOLVED, that – Members refer proposal 1 back to the City Arts Initiative for further consideration and ratify the City Arts Initiative recommendations in relation to proposals 2 and 3 in the report as follows:


  • From the Thames to Eternity - CSK Architects, UCL and City of London Corporation: approve subject to ongoing consultation and permissions from Highways and Planning, as well as the other conditions as set out in the main report
  • Amulet: An Icon of Future Finance - CDP / Modus Operandi: approve the new timelines requested subject to Planning Permission and Scheduled Monument consent being granted


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