Agenda item

Update: Beckford & Cass Statues Interpretation Project

Report of the Executive Director, Innovation & Growth.


Members received a report of the Executive Director, Innovation and Growth, providing an update on the Beckford and Cass Statues Interpretation Project.


Officers informed the Committee that, since the publication of the agenda, the published timeline had been revised to expedite progress on the project. The revised timeline was tabled to at the meeting. The revisions meant that the decision on the structural design, originally scheduled for the Committee’s January meeting, would need to be made between Committee meetings. Officers therefore sought delegated authority for the decision to be made in December, and confirmed that they would give Members with a chance to provide informal feedback on the designs before final approval.


RESOLVED, that – Members;

·         Note the contents of the report and the revised timeline presented at the meeting;

·         delegate authority to the Town Clerk, in consultation with the Chair and Deputy Chair, to approve the design options for the statues.


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