Agenda item

City & Hackney Health and Care Place Based Partnership Terms of Reference

Report of the Executive Director, Community and Children’s Services.


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Community and Children’s Services on the on the City and Hackney Health and Care Place Based Partnership Terms of Reference.


A Member highlighted the issue of the provision of NHS dental care in the City of London was highlighted. It was observed that this provision was primarily in relation to the national contract but confirmed that every action needed to be considered in mitigation of this at a local level.


In response to a Member’s query on the outcomes to be achieved the Place Based Partnership Plan was highlighted as helpful summary of areas which the board was keen to see progress in.


Replying to a Member’s query on the membership of the North East London Integrated Care Board it was confirmed that the Mayor of Hackney was the local authority representative on the Board adding that Mayor’s would be requested to provide a outline of the proposed policy toward the Board. The Deputy Chairman added that there was a coordinated agenda planning process across all of North East London local authority representatives to provide feedback to the Mayor prior to meetings of the Board.


Further to an Members  query on the extend to which career development was taken into consideration it was confirmed that this was being considered at both a North East London and City and Hackney level particularly highlighting the work force enabler group.


Resolved- That the Terms of Reference for the Health and Care Board and the Section  75 Board be approved.


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