Agenda item

Pan-London rental e-scooter trial extension

Report of the Executive Director, Environment.


The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Environment relative to Pan-London rental e-scooter trial extension.


Officers stated that, at the time of writing this report, they had been awaiting TfL’s decision as to whether or not the trial would be extended by a further 18 months in line with the Department for Transport extension recently announced. This had now been confirmed and the City’s approval for continued participation in this extended trial was now also sought. Furthermore, Members were asked to note that the report and associated decisions contained within the report solely related to the City of London’s rental e-scooter trial however, Officers stated that they were aware of issues with dockless cycles being left outside of designated parking areas and were working with operators to address this. This particular matter was to be discussed further at next week’s Streets and Walkways Sub-Committee meeting with a report on the future management of dockless bikes to be brought back to them in January 2023.


RESOLVED – That the Planning and Transportation Committee (subject to TfL’s formal extension of the pan-London rental e-scooter trial and agreement of the terms of the extension by the City Operations Division Director):


1.     Approve the City of London Corporation’s participation in the extension of the pan-London rental e-scooter trial until 31st May 2024.


2.     Agree to make the necessary traffic orders (parking for rental e-scooters, cycle hire pedal cycles and pedal cycles, amendments to various traffic orders to permit rental e-scooters to use the public highway in the same manner as by pedal cycles) so as to continue the provisions of the current ETOs indefinitely.

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