Report of the Managing Director of BHE
The Board considered a report of the Managing Director of BHE regarding the proposed approach and timeline to redeveloping the Joint Philanthropy Strategy and Corporate Volunteering Strategy. The BHE & CoLC Philanthropy Director introduced the report and drew Members’ attention to the key points. In response to questions from Members, the Board was advised that it was expected that outputs for the current strategies could be produced in time for the next Board meeting in February 2023, which aligned with the timescales set out in the report.
The Managing Director of BHE advised that the work would seek to define the distinct City Corporation commitments to the joint strategy, and that the timing would work well with expected changes within the wider organisation to consider the respective funding priorities and responsibilities between the charity and the City Corporation.
Members noted that the report would also be submitted to the Policy & Resources Committee and suggested that it be made clear that this was a joint strategy that should be funded accordingly, with costs being fairly shared and attributable to BHE and otherwise to the City Corporation in accordance with their commitments within the Strategy and desired outputs. In response to a question from a Member, the BHE & CoLC Philanthropy Director advised that the City Corporation budget for 2023/24 would contain some provision for corporate volunteering and Central Grants Unit work not attributable to BHE.
The Chair thanked Members for their comments before drawing the Board’s attention to the recommendations.
RESOLVED – That the BHE Board, in the discharge of functions for the City Corporation as Trustee of Bridge House Estates (charity reg. no. 1035628) and solely in the charity’s best interests:
i) Note the update on the implementation of the Joint Philanthropy Strategy and the Corporate Volunteering Strategy;
ii) Agree an extension to the Joint Philanthropy Strategy of one year until 31st March 2024;
iii) Subject to (ii) above, approve the approach and timeline for shaping recommendations for the future direction of the Joint Philanthropy Strategy proposed in paragraph 7; and
iv) Note the proposed approach to the Corporate Volunteering Strategy.
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