To agree the public minutes and summary of the meeting held on 24 January 2013 (copy attached).
The minutes of the meeting held on 24 January 2013 were agreed as a correct record.
Matters Arising
Banquets at Mansion House (page 1) – in answer to a question, the Remembrancer advised that the Private Secretary to the Lord Mayor had sent an email out to all Members advising them of their allocated places for Banquet. He stated that he had received positive feedback and that the process would be kept under review.
Royal Garden Party Invitations (page 2) – in answer to a question, the Remembrancer advised that over the past 2 years, the Queen had reduced the allocation. He also stated that invites were normally sent to people leaving the Court or coming to the end of their Chairmanship. He also stated that information was given to him by the Human Resources Department on staff who had also been employed for a number of years.
Member Development Steering Group Update (page 2) – in answer to a question relating to training for Deputies, the Chairman advised that no meeting had been arranged. The Assistant Town Clerk advised that a document had been sent to all Deputies on their duties and the Chairman requested that this document be re-circulated to all Deputies and once received, all the Deputies would be invited to a meeting to discuss their roles and advise the new Members on the role of the Deputy and how they can help.
Supporting documents: