To receive the draft action points of the Hampstead Heath Sports & Wellbeing Forum meeting held on 28th September 2022.
The Committee received a report of draft action points of the Hampstead Heath Sports & Wellbeing Forum.
A Member (Hampstead Garden Suburb Residents' Association), asked for an update on the Parliament Hill athletic track project regarding timings and approval processes. Members were informed that there were no significant changes since the last meeting. It was noted that a review was being considered and Members would be provided with an update at the next meeting. The Assistant Director also confirmed the London Youth Games would take place on the 19th November 2022.
A Member (Hampstead Garden Suburb Residents' Association) asked if an update could be provided on funding improvements to cricket facilities at Parliament Hill, Highgate Woods and the Heath Extensions. The Assistant Director confirmed that the proposal is at consultation stage and key users are being contacted.
RESOLVED – That Members receive the report and note the contents.
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