Agenda item

Governance Arrangements - Co-opted Members

Report of the Managing Director of BHE


The Board considered a report of the Managing Director of BHE seeking approval for the recruitment of Co-opted Members for the BHE Board and Grants Committee. The Managing Director of BHE introduced the report, advising that the proposals followed from discussion at the Board’s Strategic Away Half-Day, and that the terms of the current Grants Committee Co-opted Members were due to expire in 2023.


The Chair noted that the terms were currently only staggered by six months, and suggested that this be adjusted to create a bigger step, in order to provide increased mentoring opportunities and greater continuity. Members further suggested that consideration should be given to using a recruiter such as Nurole in the recruitment process, and to taking steps to ensuring as broad a range of applicants as possible were reached. It was further noted that interview panels should also be sufficiently diverse.


The Chair sought confirmation from Members that the Board wished to proceed with seeking Co-opted Members for the main BHE Board, and this was agreed. It was noted that the draft terms of reference for the Board’s prospective Investment Committee would also include provision for the addition of Co-opted Members, and would also propose arrangements for the charity’s social investments. The Managing Director of BHE advised that this would be considered with regards to arrangements for the Grants Committee in presenting terms of reference early in 2023 for the commencement of the next civic year.


RESOLVED - That the BHE Board, in the discharge of functions for the City Corporation as Trustee of Bridge House Estates (charity no. 1035628) and solely in the charity’s best interests:


a)    Authorise a recruitment exercise for up to two Co-opted Members of the Grants Committee of the BHE Board, to be appointed for a term of up to four years;


b)    Note the indicative timeline for recruitment of the Grants Committee co-opted Members set out in the report, with shortlisting and interviews intended to take place in March 2023 with a view to staggering terms;


c)    Authorise a recruitment exercise for up to two Co-opted Members of the BHE Board, to be recommended to the Court of Common Council for approval; and,


d)    Delegate authority to the Managing Director of BHE, in consultation with the Chair and Deputy Chair, to agree an appropriate advertisement, role description and person specification for each position.

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