Agenda item

St Bartholomew's Hospital environmental enhancements Issue Report

To consider the report of the Executive Director, Environment.


The Sub-Committee considered the report of the Executive Director, Environment.


A Member commented that the bollards used should be standard City of London bollards rather than being ‘Culture Mile’ branded. The meeting heard that these were temporary.


RESOLVED, That the Sub-Committee


I.               Revise the remaining project budget of £241,288 as set out in the finance tables in Appendix 3; including any interest accrued to complete the project in accordance with the Section 106 Agreement;

II.              Approve of the budget adjustment summarised in table 2 Appendix 3;

III.            Agree that the Corporate Programme Management Office, in consultation with the Chairman of the Operational Property and Projects Sub Committee and Chief Officer as necessary, is to decide whether any project issues or decisions that fall within the remit of paragraph 45 of the ‘City of London Project Procedure – Oct 2018’ (Changes to Projects: General), as prescribed in Appendix 3 of this report, is to be delegated to Chief Officer or escalated to committee(s);and

IV.            Note that funding is subject to the capital programme review and the final decision on whether to proceed will be dependent on the outcome of that review and approval by the Operational Property and Projects Sub-Committee.

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