Report of the Planning & Development Director.
The Sub-Committee considered a report of the Planning and Development Director regarding the Poultry Market Charterhouse Street London EC1A 9LH – specifically,
the part demolition, repair, and refurbishment of the building known at the Poultry Market, Charterhouse Street at ground, first and basement levels, associated with a change of use of the building to provide a museum and ancillary uses and areas; including: works associated with an entrance structure on West Poultry Avenue; internal alterations including creation of a part new first floor; fabric removal and refurbishment on all floors; replacement glazing; facade cleaning and other facade repair; levelling of ground floor; works of repair to the roof; installation of new heating and cooling equipment; new M&E services; repurposing of the south service bay and associated infill structure; remodelling of the north service bay; internal decoration; replacement balustrade; and other associated works as shown on the submitted plans and drawings.
The Committee voted on these recommendations alongside those set out under Agenda Item 4.
Having fully debated the application, the Committee proceeded to vote on the recommendations before them.
Votes were cast as follows: IN FAVOUR – 16 Votes
There were no abstentions.
The recommendations were therefore carried unanimously.
RESOLVED - That listed building consent be granted for the above proposal in accordance with the details set out in the attached schedule.
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