Report of the Managing Director of BHE
The Committee considered a report of the Managing Director of BHE outlining the findings and next steps of the CBT Operational Risk register review which was initiated in November 2022. The Managing Director of BHE introduced the report, which formed part of wider work on the charity’s principal risk register.
In response to a question from a Member, the Managing Director of BHE advised that organisations across the UK had recently found recruitment difficult, due to a combination of factors, and that the issue was not specific to BHE. The Managing Director of BHE added that staff shortages made assessments, and consequently grant awards, more difficult, and therefore had a significant impact.
The Chair commented that risk CBT 04 in respect of IT Failure could be reviewed given this was a universal issue, and that the finance-related risks could be reviewed on the basis that they could be combined. The Chair further asked that officers consider current and target scores and their reflection of the charity’s current and intended position.
In response to a question from a Member regarding risk CBT 06 on Staff capacity, the Managing Director of BHE advised that the charity’s staff were part of the City of London Corporation’s single employer model, but that opportunities arising from BHE’s institutional status would be explored, with a specific Head of People for BHE currently under recruitment. The Managing Director of BHE added that it was key to remunerate officers appropriately, and that the City Corporation were undertaking a wider review in this area, with a new Executive Director for HR now in post.
The Chair noted that the risk register would be brought back to the Committee for final approval in March 2023 and encouraged officers to seek any further comments or assistance from Members as needed.
RESOLVED - That the Grants Committee of the Bridge House Estates Board, in the discharge of functions for the City Corporation as Trustee of Bridge House Estates (charity no. 1035628) and solely in the charity’s best interests:
i) Note the process and outcome of the CBT operational risk review;
ii) Provide comments as above as to whether the eight operational risks identified from this process are appropriate and scored correctly; and,
iii) Note that a final CBT Operational Risk Register will be brought to the Grants Committee on 6 March 2023 for approval.
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