Agenda item

Employment Opportunities for People with Learning Disabilities and Autism

Officers from Community and Children’s Services to be heard.


Members received presentations from Officers in the Department for Community and Children’s Services relative to employment opportunities for people with learning disabilities and autism.


The following points were noted:

  • Following the signing of an agreement with the National Development Team for Inclusion and the Department of Education, officers from the Department for Community and Children’s Services would be establishing local employment forums to secure work placement and supported internship opportunities for young people with educational needs.
  • Officers have secured a grant of £50,000 to run a programme until the end of March 2023 with the aim of targeting up to ten young people. This grant also offers the chance for additional funding if there is an increase  in the number of learners requiring support.
  • The City Corporation, as a body exercising local authority functions, needed to ensure that the forums were in place, and that employers had knowledge of them, and access to them. Employers also needed to have detailed information as to the expectations of the employer, the young person and the local authority.
  • The key element was to have active membership in the forums, and to have active involvement from the employers.
  • The City Corporation had had to supply anticipated numbers of 10-12 participants as part of the grant application, but hoped numbers would rise to around 15-20. Officers wanted to ensure they had the time and resource to give participants as much as support as possible.
  • There were 12 adults with learning disabilities known to the Adult Social Care team, aged between 29-60. Support schemes had been impacted by the pandemic, and the team were currently working restarting these.


The Chairman informed Members that he had requested for this topic to be included on the agenda as it was a problem across the country, and he wanted to congratulate officers on the work that was being done. He felt that this area was a real opportunity for the City. The Square Mile had the greatest concentration of employers in the country, and there was great scope for these employers to employ those with learning difficulties, for the potential benefit of both. He referred to studies that have been done on people with learning disabilities in employment, which showed that those with disabilities remain in jobs longer and provide a greater mutual advantage. He was concerned that there was not currently a coordinated attempt to develop these opportunities, and said that these concerns were shared with the Chairman of the Policy and Resources Committee. The Chairman said that he planned to ask a question of the Policy Chairman at the meeting of the Court of Common Council in January on this subject. 


A Member asked if there was any information on what employers already do in this area, as they were concerned about the risks of an untargeted campaign. The Chairman said that the first place the city Corporation should begin with its itself. The Chairman and officers both noted that there was a challenge in getting the requisite data, as many employees were wary of disclosing any disabilities, an issue which was not unique to the City Corporation.


RESOLVED, that – the presentations be received and their contents noted.