Agenda item

City Gardens Manager's Update

The Executive Director Environment to be heard


Members received a verbal update from the Executive Director of Environment on the following points:


a)    The City Gardens team was in the process of moving to a fully electric fleet and was awaiting information regarding the delivery time of the vehicles.

b)    A horticultural project manager had been appointed and had begun work with the team in October 2022. She was working on developing a new planting scheme for St Mary Aldermanbury.

c)    Friends of City Gardens had been assisting with leaf collection at Bunhill Fields and bulb planting at Postman’s Park.

d)    The Christmas tree was on display to the south of St Paul’s Cathedral and the tree lighting event would be taking place the next day on 6 December.


The Chair of Epping Forest & Commons Committee informed the Committee that there were two tree planting events taking place over the coming weeks. The first event was a project with Epping Town Council and the second was a tree planting of over 70 trees as part of the Queen’s Green Canopy.


RESOLVED – that the update be noted.