Resolved Unanimously:- That, this Court wishes to convey to Alderman Vincent Keaveny
its warmest thanks for the exemplary manner in which he has carried out the role of Lord Mayor of this City and its pleasure in having this opportunity to acknowledge that the Lord Mayor has at all times performed the duties of the office with commitment, dignity and great skill.
Throughout Vincent’s year, he has rigorously championed his Mayoral Theme, People and Purpose. This has been at the centre of his year and also led to the launch of Progress Together, seeking to create a financial services sector in the United Kingdom in which everyone working in it, from all socio-economic backgrounds, is both enabled and has the opportunity to achieve their full potential.
Hailing from Dublin, Vincent has served as the 693rd Lord Mayor, and has been the first Irishman to take up this mantle. Fortunately, his Mayoral year has seen the return of so many of our customary events, and so many of our traditions coming back to life, starting of course with the Lord Mayor’s Show. Many banquets, dinners and summits were held for the first time in several years and the Lord Mayor’s extensive travel, taking in Europe, North and South America, and Asia have enabled him to fly the flag for UK financial and professional services, and to make valuable new connections as well as strengthening old ones, in person once more.
Vincent has also worked ceaselessly here at home, successfully promoting and strengthening the City’s relationship with cities and economic centres outside of London, where two-thirds of the country’s financial services are based. The Lord Mayor has hosted many important occasions in Guildhall and Mansion House, including the Net Zero Delivery Summit, attended by the then Prime Minister and the Finance For Impact Summit. I know these special, significant occasions both at home and further afield will have left Vincent with many cherished memories and a rightful sense of pride.
You might think that there are not many opportunities to do things that are truly unprecedented and unique being the latest in the long line of almost 700 hundred Lord Mayors but Vincent’s has been a Mayoralty undoubtedly touched by history. Firstly, he had the great honour of welcoming the Royal Family to Guildhall this summer as part of the City’s celebrations of Her Late Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee - a truly historic and special experience the likes of which we have not seen before and will likely never see again.
Sadly, just a few months later, he then had the solemn duty of taking part in the accession council for His Majesty the King, the City proclamation on the steps of the Royal Exchange, and the state funeral.
During this very busy year, Vincent has been fortunate to receive unending support in all endeavours from the Lady Mayoress, Amanda, whose efforts helped to ensure that the Lord Mayor’s year was a success. As the Mayoral year draws to a close, the Court of Aldermen unite in thanking Vincent for all that he has done as Lord Mayor of the City of London and send to him, Amanda, and of course India, their very best wishes for their future good health and happiness.