Agenda item

Annual Review of Terms of Reference

Report of the Town Clerk.


The Board considered a report of the Town Clerk on the Annual Review of Terms of Reference.


The Town Clerk introduced the report noting that there were two changes suggested to the Board’s Terms of Reference to include the two recently appointed external members to the Board composition and to add the word voting to the section of the Terms of Reference that confirms the Board’s quorum. The Chair informed the Board that Officers had explored options for the external members of the Board to be given voting rights but it was confirmed this was precluded by the 1972 Local Government Act. The Board agreed that, in instances where the Board were to go to a formal vote, that the views of those external members present at the meeting in question be sought before the Board proceeded to vote. It was observed that this could be included in the Board’s handbook which would be updated ready for the beginning of the new civic year in April.


The Chair observed that in points (h) and (i), the City of London Police were listed as the National Lead Force for economic crime but that more appropriate wording needed to be established for inclusion that better defined the Force’s role.


The Board agreed that it would move to nine meetings per year but that any extra meetings could be added, if required.


A Member suggested that further detail be added to section (m) of the Terms of Reference on the appointment of the Chairman of the Police Pensions Board.



  1. The change for the inclusion for the quorum to be specified as ‘any five voting Members’ be approved; and
  2. The addition of Melissa Collett and Michael Mitchell to the membership be approved; and
  3. The terms of reference of the Board be approved for submission both the Policy and Resources Committee and the Court of Common Council, as set out at Appendix 1, and that any further changes required in the lead up to the Court’s appointment of Committees be delegated to the Town Clerk in consultation with the Chair and Deputy Chair; and
  4. That the Board meet nine times in 2023.

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