Agenda item

Public Lift Report*

Report of the City Surveyor.


The Committee considered a report of the City Surveyor outlining the availability and performance of publicly accessible lifts and escalators monitored and maintained by City Surveyor’s, in the reporting period 3 November 2022 to 14 December 2022.


A Member referred to the London Wall West lift and highlighted that the report suggested that a fault was rectified in November 2022 with the lift running successfully since that time. He stated that, unfortunately, this was not his experience and that, whilst the doors opened, the lift failed to move. He therefore questioned how these statistics were gathered and whether they were dependent upon the lifts ‘self-reporting’ faults. The City Surveyor reported that a further fault had been identified on the London Wall West lift which had now been rectified rendering the lift fully operational once more. He commented that there was an ongoing issue with gaining access to this particular lift motor room within 1 London Wall when faults arose. With regard to the wider question on reporting figures and the system generating these, the Officer undertook to gather further information on this before reporting back.


RESOLVED – That Members note the report.

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