Delegated Authority Request
An Officer stated that a Gateway 4 report for the St Paul’s gyratory project would be considered by the Streets and Walkways Sub-Committee on 23 May 2023. This report would seek approval to progress the design of one highway layout option and associated public space improvements to public consultation.
Members were informed that, as the project was over £5 million in value, a Gateway 4B report was then required to be submitted to the Court of Common Council for approval. Members were further informed that as the Streets and Walkways Sub-Committee did not have the authority as a sub-committee to refer matters to the Court of Common Council, the Planning and Transportation Committee would need to recommend the Gateway 4b report for approval.
The Officer requested that given the timing of Committee meetings, to maintain the St Paul’s Gyratory project’s programme and meet the needs of the developer of 81 Newgate Street, the Committee delegate authority to the Town Clerk, in consultation with the Chairman and Deputy Chairman, to consider the decision of the Streets and Walkways Sub Committee and refer it to the Court of Common Council meeting on 22 June 2023, accordingly.
RESOLVED – That the Committee agree the delegated authority request.
The Chairman reported that the Planning Division had been shortlisted for six awards in the prestigious Planning Awards and Building London Planning Awards including National Planning Authority of the Year.
Members were informed that the Planning Division had also been shortlisted for their ground-breaking initiatives on:
· Free to visit inclusive public elevated areas in developments (A View for All)
· Carbon options planning advice note
· Suicide prevention planning advice note
· Thermal comfort guidelines
The Chairman wished Officers luck at the awards.