To agree the public minutes and non-public summary of the previous meeting held on 14 November 2022.
Two points were made in reference to item 5 of the minutes of the meeting of 14 November 2022:
1. Members noted that a further amendment to the Terms of Reference was expected imminently to reflect the movement of the Small Business Research Centre (SBREC) from Guildhall library to the City Centre, with reporting lines also moved from the Committee (SBREC is currently in LMA’s reporting lines) to the Environment Directorate, as of 01 April 2023; and
2. Referencing this section of item 5: “Members asked for clarification on the Committee’s role in the Cultural Strategy, referred to at item (m) on the terms of reference. Officers replied that the Destination City programme and the Cultural Strategy were interrelated, and the committee would continue to have a role in these” - A Member expressed a view that that section did not accurately reflect the discussion, commenting that a view had been articulated at the November meeting that the CHL Committee (aside from Destination City) should be involved in developing a cultural strategy.
RESOLVED, That the public minutes of the meeting of 14 November 2022 be approved as an accurate record subject to the following amendment to the minutes of item 5:
Immediately after:
“…and the committee would continue to have a role in these.”
The addition of this sentence:
“The Committee noted some Members’ views that the Committee should have a view in developing the Cultural Strategy, noting also the Corporation policy that the way forward on the Cultural Strategy is through Destination City - a unit that is currently (for the most part) newly-staffed.”
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