Agenda item

2023-24 Budget Estimates

To consider the report of the Head of Finance.


The Committee considered the report of The Chamberlain, Executive Director of Innovation & Growth, Executive Director of Environment, and Executive Director of Community and Children’s Services.


The Committee noted that exceptional energy price increase figures were not included in the document, and that those figures would be submitted to the Policy & Resources Committee with a view to securing additional funding. 


RESOLVED, That Members


1.    Approve the budget for submission to the Finance Committee, having reviewed the proposed allocation of the 2023/24 revenue budget to ensure that it reflects the Committee’s objectives;

2.    Authorise The Chamberlain, in consultation with the Executive Directors of Community and Children’s Services, Environment, Innovation & Growth and the City Surveyor to revise these budgets to allow for any further implications arising from Corporate Projects, the Target Operating Model other reviews and changes to the Cyclical Works Programme; and

3.    Authorise The Chamberlain to agree minor amendments for 2022/23 and 2023/24 budgets arising during budget setting. 



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