To consider the report of the Executive Director, Environment
The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director, Environment.
RESOLVED, That the Committee
1. Authorise officers to negotiate and enter into a S278 agreement with TfL, to implement the proposal as detailed in the report, noting that all costs associated with the project will be fully funded by TfL and noting also that this authority must be given by the Streets and Walkways Sub-committee and that all other requested decisions (below) be delegated to the Director of City Operations Division:
Decisions Delegated to Director of City Operations Division:
2. Agree the proposal as detailed in this report;
3. Approve a budget of £175,000 to reach the next Gateway;
4. Note the total estimated cost of the project as £175,000 (excluding risk). All costs associated with this project are to be fully funded by TfL; and
5. Approve a Costed Risk Provision of £15,000for works (to be drawn down via delegation to the Director of City Operations Division).
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