Agenda item

Sisi's - 22 November 2022

To receive the public minutes of the licensing hearing in respect of the premises the Sisi’s, 7-9 Saint Bride Street, London, EC4A 4AS on 22 November 2022.


The Committee received the public minutes of the licensing hearing in respect of the premises Sisi’s, 7-9 Saint Bride Street, London, EC4A 4AS held on 22 November 2022.


The Chair of the Licensing (Hearing) Sub-Committee outlined two factors which complicated this licensing hearing. First, the presentation of the application by the applicant’s representative. Secondly, that the complaints of the objectors were of private nuisance rather than public nuisance.


The Chair of the Licensing Committee informed the Committee that Officers would be reviewing the model conditions and that this would provide an opportunity for Members to refresh their knowledge.


A Member stated that the model conditions should reflect the City Corporation’s leisure programme, Destination City.


RESOLVED – That the minutes be noted.

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