Agenda item

Questions on Matters Relating to the Work of the Committee


The Chair of the Smithfield Markets Tenants Association asked about the suspension of free parking over the Easter period.  The Chair (of SMTA) was concerned that this is the busiest time of the year and the tenants particularly need support this year.     The Director responded in that parking concessions are very much ‘business as usual’,  to be resolved by the General Manager.  However, if a concession is warranted, then the Tenants’ Association should present a business case, with data to support the request. Members noted that, historically, this had been a decision taken by the former Markets Committee but the Governance Review recommended that the Board  should be more strategic and not stray into operational matters.  


The Chair suggested that it might be helpful for the Board to receive a calendar of events, for which the Tenants Association are seeking parking concessions.  Members noted that Smithfield is different to the other Markets in that its car parking fund is ringfenced for uses that will benefit the Market’s tenants and customers.  The General Manager advised that the parking fee waiver would be approximately £600 per night and this would need to come from the local risk budget.   


Members noted that the Board’s Terms of Reference states : oversight of the management of all matters relating to Smithfield Market, Billingsgate Market and New Spitalfields Market and the letting of all premises therein’.   It was Proposed by Edward Lord, Seconded by Brian Mooney and RESOLVED, that –  the Markets Board receive a report, which will enable them to take a policy decision in respect of parking concessions, including a calendar of events setting out when such concessions might be warranted.