Agenda item

Retrospective Review of Joint Philanthropy Strategy 2018 - 2023

Report of the Managing Director of BHE


The Board discussed a report of the Managing Director of BHE providing a review of progress of the joint Philanthropy Strategy from April 2021 to date and providing a summary of findings. The Philanthropy Director introduced the report and drew Members’ attention to the key points, noting that further Member engagement would be forthcoming in the next stages of this work.


In response to a question from a Member, the Philanthropy Director gave further detail on the allocation of giving-focused funding from CBT, much of which was directed towards the London’s Giving programme alongside a broader range of commitments, and advised the Board of the current position with regards to the Philanthropy House proposal which had been in abeyance. The Philanthropy Director further advised that the charity’s Impact & Learning capacity was greater now than it had been at the adoption of the joint Strategy and that there was therefore greater scope to ensure tighter measures were in place in the next phase. It was noted that that the Central Grants Unit worked closely and engaged with the Livery movement where possible, most recently in leveraging additional donations from them, alongside that from the City Corporation, for the Disasters Emergency Committee response to the earthquake in Turkey and Syria.


The Board was advised that the review of progress against the implementation plan, appended to the report, would inform thinking around next steps. The Philanthropy Director advised that external review would take place next and would be progressed as set out in the implementation plan. The Chair then thanked Members for their comments and added his support for further Member engagement.


RESOLVED – That the Bridge House Estates Board, in discharge of functions for the City Corporation as Trustee of Bridge House Estates (charity reg. no. 1035628) and solely in the charity’s best interests:


  1. Note the update on the implementation of the Joint Philanthropy Strategy to date, the process and timings of the strategy review and the encouragement and opportunities for Member Engagement, with feedback provided as above.

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