To receive the report of The Chamberlain.
The Sub-Committee considered the report of The Chamberlain which detailed the on-street parking accounts 2021/22 and the related funding of Highway improvements.
An Officer reported that there had been an annual net surplus of £9m to £10m in recent years so it was unlikely that the account would be in deficit in future years. Legislation stated that if there was ever a deficit, this would have to be remedied within four years and before any money could be spent on any capital revenue schemes.
The Chairman stated that the Sub-Committee had asked for details of future projects. An Officer stated that the currently approved schemes for revenue and capital would be submitted to the Priorities Board and any recommendations would be submitted to the Resource Allocation Sub (Policy and Resources) Committee.
The Officer stated that when there was an annual capital bidding process there had been delays but having a quarterly Priorities Board would reduce delays.
The Officer advised that a substantial amount of money was spent on capital and revenue schemes and money was also generated through on-street parking.
In response to a Member’s question about a need for a clearer understanding of the projects that funds could be used on, the Officer stated the criteria were stringent. A Member stated that the Resource Allocation Sub (Policy and Resources) Committee had requested training on schemes for which the Community Infrastructure Levy funds, On Street Parking Reserves and other ring-fenced funds could be used. It was suggested that Members of the Streets and Walkways Sub-Committees and all other Members be invited to attend.
Officers were thanked for providing the data for the public agenda. A Member stated that although the Sub-Committee no longer controlled the allocation of funds, the Sub-Committee might have a view on how funds should be spent. If the Sub-Committee knew about the proposals and disagreed with any of them, these preferences could be raised. An Officer stated that details of schemes that were subject to approval, had not been included in the report in order that decisions were not pre-empted. However, Members of the Sub-Committee could be provided with details of unspent but approved projects and non-public funding proposals with the caveat that some of them were subject to approval. It was suggested that these details could also be useful to Members of the Planning and Transportation Committee.
RESOLVED, That the Sub-Committee
1) Note the contents of the report before submission to the Mayor for London.
2) Receive details of unspent but approved projects and non-public funding proposals at its March or May meeting.
3) Request that all Members be invited to the training requested by the Resource Allocation Sub (Policy and Resources) Committee on schemes for which the Community Infrastructure Levy funds, On Street Parking Reserves and other ring-fenced funds could be used.
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