To consider the report of theExecutive Director Environment.
The Sub-Committee considered the report of the Executive Director, Environment which outlined the reasons why the option to allow general traffic (all traffic) through the junction at all times was not feasible.
Officers advised that the next report due in May 2023 would be more detailed and would include more traffic modelling.
A Member asked the reason as to why Members were being asked to eliminate Recommendation D from the options. Officers advised that this option was forecast to increase the bus journey times on eight routes by 15 minutes and it would not be possible to mitigate these to a level acceptable to TfL.
A Member asked whether it would be possible to close a different arm to the one proposed. Officers advised that building work had already commenced following Committee and TfL agreement.
A Member commented that reducing traffic at the weekend should be encouraged.
Following a Member’s question about whether there was a clear definition of non-black taxi cab and whether ‘except taxi’ signage exemptions applied to them, an officer advised that this would be clarified in the May report to the Sub-Committee.
A Member asked for the definition of ‘powered two wheelers’ and an officer advised that this related to motorcycles and mopeds.
An Officer stated that modelling was only one part of the decision making and recommendation making process. It also included road danger reduction, equalities impacts and the look, feel and ambience of the space. TfL had made a number of changes to routes to facilitate the improvements.
A Member asked for clarification on why Finch Lane was one-way from North to South and not South to North. Officers advised that this had been in place for some time and was not a result of the Bank scheme. Officers stated that although no complaints had been received this could be looked at separately.
A Member suggested that discussions could take place with TfL about using electric buses on core bus routes through Bank to improve air quality and make it emission free. Officers advised that it could only be emission free if other permitted vehicles e.g. delivery vehicles were electric too and there could be difficulties in enforcing this. The buses were, however, Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) compliant and many were hybrid.
RESOLVED, That the Sub-Committee
1. Note the contents of the report;
2. Approve that no further work on the option of introducing general traffic into Bank at all times be undertaken, based on paragraphs 14-17;
3. Note the complexities of the work moving forward as explained in paragraphs 18 -19 and 21-25;
4. Note the updated indicative programme of work in Appendix 1.
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