Agenda item

Update on Violence against Women and Girls activity

Report of the Commissioner.  


The Board received a report of the Commissioner which provided an update on the Violence against Women and Girls Activity.


The Chair observed that there was a huge amount of good work being undertaken by Officers regarding this area of policy particularly noting Operation Reframe as an example of the Force’s work to support policing the night-time economy. In addition, the Chair commented that it was important that outcomes and not just activity were included in these reports and communicated to stakeholders.


Officers confirmed that the Force was not currently white ribbon accredited and that this accreditation would be pursued expeditiously. The Town Clerk highlighted his role as a white ribbon ambassador and gave his support to the Force following up on this accreditation.


A Member noted the importance of a diverse and representative police force in improving the trust and confidence in policing from women and girls.


The Chair requested that the survey analysis also focus on the work of the City of London Corporation in addition to the City of London Police.


Replying to a query from the Chair, Officers outlined the process for public engagement including joint working with strategic partners.


RESOLVED- That the report be noted.



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