Agenda item

Rough Sleeper Assessment Centre Update

Executive Director of Community and Children’s Services to be heard.


The Sub-Committee received a verbal update of the Executive Director of Community and Children’s Service updating it on the rough sleeper assessment centre, including the following points:

a)    The pre-commencement plan and conditions had been completed and staff were working towards a start on site of 20 March.

b)    A pre-commencement meeting had taken place with the professional team and contractor.

c)    Following 20 March initial site set-up, scaffolding would be installed and staff would work towards general construction activities. It was anticipated that the project would be completed by 3 November 2023.


In response to a query from a Member, the Sub-Committee was informed that the assessment centre was a 14-bed unit offering a route off the street for the outreach team’s disposal. The Sub-Committee was informed that the team’s aim was that a dignified assessment for onward referral would be completed within 28 days.


The Sub-Committee noted that there were various challenges in the construction industry, which could cause delays.


The Sub-Committee received a verbal update of the Executive Director of Community and Children’s Service updating it on the Grange Road high support hostel. It was noted that the site could house 29 people and currently had 23 permanent guests with the remaining beds being held for SWEP use.


RESOLVED – That the updates be noted.